Finding good DSG transmission fluid is not easily done. When it comes to the amount of available products that you can purchase online, the selection is extremely limited. That being said, today we do want to take a look at some of the best DSG transmission fluids out there.
First off, we have got a great little buyer’s guide to help you select the right type of transmission fluid for your vehicle, as well as some other important tips too. We’ve also reviewed a couple of different DSG transmission fluids which are readily available for online purchase.
Click here to skip to our recommended pick!

- Zero slippage
- Compatible with all seal materials
- Ideal for many engine brands

- Ideal for Audi & VW
- Made by and for Audi/VW
- Great stability

- Suitable for many transmission manufacturers
- No slippage
- Minimal friction
Overall #1 Rated Pick

Triax TRANSYN DSG/DCT Dual Clutch Full Synthetic ATF
The overall number one rated pick for the best DSG transmission fluid is Triax TRANSYN DSG/DCT Dual Clutch Full Synthetic ATF. There are various reasons for this.
- This fluid can be used with most DSG and DCT transmissions.
- This fluid is ideal for use with VW/Audi, Mercedes Benz, Porsche, BMW, Ford, and other DSG transmissions.
- Triax TRANSYN DSG/DCT Dual Clutch Full Synthetic ATF can last for up to 300,000 miles before it needs to be changed.
- This particular DSG transmission fluid features zero slippage for excellent performance.
- Triax TRANSYN DSG/DCT Dual Clutch Full Synthetic ATF features very high gear grip capabilities with minimal friction.
- This DSG transmission fluid is compatible for use with all seal materials.
DSG Transmission Fluid Buyer’s Guide
Before you go out and buy just any old transmission fluid, it would probably help to know a little more about various transmissions, the types, what DSG actually is, and more.
What is a DSG
DSG stands for a direct shift gearbox. This is a specific type of automatic gearbox that features 2 clutches. The advantage of using as dual clutch gearbox such as this is that they can shift gears in a hundredth of a second, much faster than your average automatic transmission.
Most automatic cars have a single clutch gearbox, which is quite a bit slower at shifting than the dual clutch variety, with only very few vehicles having a DSG dual clutch. Keep in mind that DCT stands for dual clutch transmission, which is what a DSG is.
What kinds of fluids can be used for a DSG
When it comes to a direct shift gearbox, you do need very specific transmission fluid, DSG transmission fluid. The reason for this is because DSG transmissions have very specific requirements in terms of the fluid’s viscosity, as well as other such factors.
How to choose the right transmission fluid
The best way to check what kind of transmission fluid your specific vehicle requires is to consult the owner’s manual. The owner’s manual of your vehicle will inform you of the specific type of transmission fluid that is required, as well as some other specifics too. If you cannot find the owner’s manual, the type of transmission fluid your vehicle requires may also be stated on the transmission fluid dipstick.
How often to change DSG transmission fluid
Most owner’s manuals will tell you to change the transmission fluid every 30,000 or 40,000 miles. Yes, this is true if you want the best performance, and if you have inadequate DSG fluid. However, there are some products out there, such as the ones which we reviewed today, which can last anywhere from 200,000 to 300,000 miles before requiring a change.
How to change DSG transmission fluid
Describing how to change DSG transmission fluid in words is not very easy. However, below we have a couple of videos which demonstrate how to change your DSG fluid.
Can normal ATF fluid be used for DSG?
ATF stands for automatic transmission fluid. For the most part, no, you cannot use regular ATF for direct shift gearbox transmissions. Yes, there are some basic automatic transmission fluids which work for DSG/DCT transmissions, but most do not. Normal automatic transmission fluid will not meet the specific requirements of DSG transmissions.
What happens when the wrong transmission fluid is used?
The reason why you need to use very specific transmission fluid for your vehicle has many reasons. For one, using the wrong transmission fluid can cause your transmission to overheat, and in some cases even catch fire. Moreover, using the wrong fluids can lead to severe damage to the gearbox, increased friction, and even total transmission failure.
The Best DSG Transmission Fluid
Here we have what are considered to be the top 5 DSG transmission fluids on the market at this time, so let’s take a quick look at each of them.
The top best product [hide]
Triax TRANSYN DSG/DCT Dual Clutch Full Synthetic ATF

Geniune Volkswagen & Audi DSG Transmission Oil

Motul 105786 Multi Dual Clutch Transmission Fluid

At the end of the day, what you absolutely need to make sure of is that the transmission fluid you purchase is indeed designated for DSG transmissions. The fact of the matter is that yes, a DSG transmission may be automatic, but most ATF or automatic transmission fluids are not designed for DSG or direct shift gearboxes, so be very careful when making a selection here.
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